Shopping Tips


Use the categories list on the left of the page to browse to the product category you are interested in. Clicking on a category will display a list of products in that category. Use the Next Page, Previous Page or individual page number links to move through the pages of products.

Add products to your shopping cart by entering a quantity and pressing the Add to Cart button. You can add more than one product from a page in a single operation by entering quantities for more than one product. The shopping cart is automatically updated and you can continue adding products. You can view your shopping cart at any time by pressing View Cart

Shopping Cart

Your shopping cart contains products you have placed into it. You can adjust the quantities of products in your shopping cart simply by entering a new quantity and pressing the Update Cart button. To remove a product from your shopping cart set its quantity to zero and press Update Cart. To remove all products from your shopping cart press Remove All.

Once you have finished shopping proceed to Check Out. Here you will confirm the order you are placing and enter any special instructions for the sales team. Once you press Confirm Order your order will be forwarded to the sales team. You can view the progress of your order by viewing your Previous Orders.

The contents of your shopping cart remain valid for 24 hours, after that products will be automatically removed from the cart if you have not placed an order.


To search for products in the online-store enter some search text into the Search edit box. Pressing the GO button will locate all products in the online-store that contain the search text in their product description, type, brand or supplier.

Standing Orders

Standing Orders can easily be created that contain a list of commonly ordered items. They allow you to simply load the standing order and enter the quantity of each product required saving you the time of locating each product that you regularly order.

You can raise a previously saved standing order using Standing Orders or from the Go Shopping page. When you raise a standing order you simply enter the quantities required and add the items directly to your shopping cart.

You can create a standing order by filling your shopping cart with the items required and pressing the Create Standing Order link at the bottom of the shopping cart page. When saving a standard order from your shopping cart simply enter a name for your standing order, you can add as many standing orders as you require. For example you may have one standing order for 'Diary' and one for 'Dry Goods', or maybe you have a 'Weekly' and a 'Monthly' standing order.

Previous Orders

You can view the progress of any current orders and also view the details of any past orders by pressing Previous Orders. You can view the details of an order by pressing its Order #.

You can add the products from a previous order to your shopping cart to quickly place the same order again, press the Repeat Order button to add all the products from the order (including those that may not be displayed on the page). Your shopping cart will not be cleared before the products are added. You can then adjust product quantities or remove products in the usual way.

You can also use a past order to add selected products to your shopping cart. Locate the products you wish to add, use the checkboxes to select the products and press the Add to Cart button. Only those products from the current page that have been selected will be added to your shopping cart. You can use the Check All and Uncheck All buttons to quickly select products on the page.

Quick Orders

If you are familiar with our product codes you can use these to quickly add products to your shopping cart. Simply enter up to 15 product codes and quantities into the list then press the Locate button. Matching products will be located and the product description and price will be displayed. Confirm the displayed products are correct and press the Add to Cart button to add the displayed products to your shopping cart.